To order a card, you need to login into your account. On the top of the Dashboard, you will see the yellow button “Order a card” - please click on it. In the newly opened window, select an already created wallet for a new card, or create a new one with a custom name. Next, you need to choose the type of card from the following three options: Physical, Virtual or Disposable.
If you would like to get a Physical card, you will need to specify your name and surname, contact phone number, delivery address and delivery method. After that, please press “Payment” on the bottom.
On the next step, please choose a wallet that will be used to charge you for the card and create a Static password for it according to the requirements stated above the Password field.
For a Virtual card, you also should choose a wallet that will be used to charge you for the card and create a Static password for it. Please note that the card can only be ordered by EEA residents.
For creating a Disposable card you need to repeat the same steps as for a Virtual Card.